
Looking for a Windsor Family History?

The Library has a large local history collection that includes books, periodicals, yearbooks, and more. Which you can  discover using the library catalog. We offer this list of resources in hopes that it will aid you in your search.

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Titles include:

History of Ancient Windsor

Stiles, Henry R.  The History of Ancient Windsor, Volumes 1 (History) and 2 (Genealogy & Biography), 1976 (facsimile of 1892 edition), New Hampshire Publishing Company, Somersworth, NH 03878

New History of Old Windsor

Howard, Daniel. The New History of Old Windsor, Connecticut, 1935, The Journal Press, Windsor, CT 06095

Fowles History of Windsor

Fowles, Lloyd W. and Uricchio, William Joseph. The Fowles History of Windsor, Connecticut 1633-1900, 1976, The Loomis Institute, Windsor, CT 06095

Town of Windsor Historic Survey

Windsor (Conn.). Planning Department.  Town of Windsor, Connecticut : Historic survey.  The Town, 1981. Town of Windsor, Connecticut 06095

Online Family Searches

For the in-depth genealogist or the casual family history seeker. Our subscription is only available for use within our buildings. Bring your own device, or use one of ours at either the Main Library or the Wilson Branch

African American Heritage is a groundbreaking digital resource exclusively devoted to African American family history research.  Search from home using your library card.

Windsor was the first English settlement in Connecticut in 1633. The original boundaries were much larger than present day.  The original settlement later gave birth to the “daughter” towns which include:



East GranbyEastWindsorEllingtonEnfield,

GranbyHarwinton,  LitchfieldManchesterMorris,

SimsburySouth WindsorSuffield,


and Windsor Locks.


Windsor Historical Society

96 Palisado Avenue
Windsor, CT 06095
(860) 688-3813

Connecticut Historical Society

1 Elizabeth Street
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 236-5621

Descendants of the Founders of Windsor

P.O. Box 39, Windsor, CT 06095

Connecticut Society of Genealogists

Library Located at:
175 Maple Street
East Hartford, CT
(860) 569-0002

Connecticut Professional Genealogists Council

P.O. Box 4273
Hartford CT 06147

Family History Center

Ellis Island Foundation, Inc
17 Battery Place #232
New York, NY 10004-3507

Charter Oak Genealogy

Bryna O’Sullivan
Middletown, CT
(860) 316-8200

Connecticut State Library

Archives, History & Genealogy Unit
231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06115
(860) 566-3692


Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
35 North West Temple St
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150

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